Happy 61st Birthday Earl!

Wow! We are now Elders in the family! It’s a privilege our Daddy didn’t live to see. Yet here we are! Living Loving and Laughing!

It’s a blessing to call you my Brother. Thank you for always being there for me and my children. Your love for them is truly unconditional.

We are blessed you are doing well! Life has thrown you many challenges at times, but you are an Overcomer! You make our Ancestors proud!

Lots of prayers are being answered as daily, you do what you need to do to thrive!

May this year bring you peace, joy, laughter and blessings! We love you and celebrate this season with you! Have an amazing new year as you walk in your purpose!

Join me in busting a move with Earl, this man still loves his music! Celebration! Kool and the Gang got it right!


Capturing some special moments with Earl and thankful for you seeing 61 years today, June 27, 2024!

(c) (2024) Yolonda Kelsor. All rights reserved.

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About bridges2hope

I am an Ambassador for restoration, recovery, and hope. Circumstances can get us down, but I want to encourage you today. My name is Yolonda L. Kelsor, MS. I am a Kentucky Native who moved to Ohio in June of 2017. I am a proud mother of an adult son and daughter as well as three grand dogs. When forced to retire from a twenty year teaching career due to an injured back and pelvis, depression came in with a vengeance. I attended my first NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Family to Family class in 2006 and a new journey of healing and recovery began. I am a Recovery Ambassador! I am a volunteer peer leader for NAMI where I lead a number of programs. I train NAMI Sharing Hope Presenters. I write a Word Press blog, Bridges to Hope. I work as a Peer Recovery Supporter. My life motto is Lift Others As I Climb then my living will not be in vain!
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