Rainy Summer Morning

I am so thankful for the gentle rain that is falling this morning. I was able to come outside and do my morning stretching. As I was finishing, the first drops began to fall. I was looking for the deer family that resides in the nest of trees at the back of my yard. Joyfully they are still here!

This little deer family is so delightful to watch. Today all three baby deer are running with their beautiful Mama. I have typically only seen two deer, so this may be a new family. My two doggies are calming watching from our back porch but their little brother is a whole different vibe! He’s the tiniest little thing (7 lbs) with the loudest mouth! I was trying to hold him but that proved to be a lesson in futility. He jumped down and proceeded to bark as the smaller of the two baby deer came closer to our yard.

I learn valuable lessons while observing nature.

  • Stay alert
  • Stay with your tribe/pack
  • Know that you will be supported by those you trust
  • Protect yourself and your energy
  • Rest in places that protect you
  • Move quietly through your day
  • Make noise when you need to

As a deer pants for water, so my soul desires the cooling water today as I am in communion with the Most High. The rain smells amazing! It reminds me of the summers back home when I could spend lazy summer days reading and playing school in my Grandma’s backyard.

Have a beautiful and blessed Sunday! Know that You Are Not Alone! I am sending love and peace to you!

Enjoy this clip from my yard!

(c) (2024) Yolonda Kelsor. All rights reserved.

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About bridges2hope

I am an Ambassador for restoration, recovery, and hope. Circumstances can get us down, but I want to encourage you today. My name is Yolonda L. Kelsor, MS. I am a Kentucky Native who moved to Ohio in June of 2017. I am a proud mother of an adult son and daughter as well as three grand dogs. When forced to retire from a twenty year teaching career due to an injured back and pelvis, depression came in with a vengeance. I attended my first NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Family to Family class in 2006 and a new journey of healing and recovery began. I am a Recovery Ambassador! I am a volunteer peer leader for NAMI where I lead a number of programs. I train NAMI Sharing Hope Presenters. I write a Word Press blog, Bridges to Hope. I work as a Peer Recovery Supporter. My life motto is Lift Others As I Climb then my living will not be in vain!
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1 Response to Rainy Summer Morning

  1. Joseph says:

    Dearest, I too {when weather permits} enjoy immersing my aura into those precious moments of gentle morning rain (all seasons:-) And, the Babies… babies of all species (including botany) to me are such a wonder to behold. Their energetic curiosity and patterns of behaviors & growth fascinate me, motivate me, and inspire me. Thank U my dear 4 sharing – and allowing me to sense your abounding JOY!! So happy 4-U.


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